Importer of Portuguese wines made by artisan producers that are redefining how Portugal is viewed on the global wine stage
I believe the best wines reflect the place where the vines are rooted and the grapes are grown. As Portuguese growers continue to unlock the immense quality embedded in their land, I’ve partnered with a select group of them to bring unique wines of place to share with the United States market.
Distribution Partners
For information on where wines are sold by state, please contact:
Alabama: Grassroots Wine. www.grassrootswine.com
Arizona: Stem Wine Company. info@stemwinecompany.com
California: Sacred Thirst Selections. information@sacredthirstselections.com
Colorado: Stelvio Selections. craig@stelvioselections.com
Connecticut: Henry Provisions. kitchen@henryprovisions.com
Florida: Florida Wine Company. www.floridawinecompany.com
Illinois: Grand Cru Selections. solutions@grandcruselections.com
Louisiana: Artisan Fine Wine. info@artisanfinewines.com
Georgia: Rive Gauche Wine. www.rivegauchewine.com
Hawaii: Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits. www.southernglazers.com
Massachusetts : Vineyard Road. info@vineyardroad.net
Mississippi: Burg Wine Limited. wes@burgwineltd.com
Montana: Winegardner’s Wines. www.winegardnerswines.com
New York & New Jersey: Grand Cru Selections. solutions@grandcruselections.com
North & South Carolina: Kellogg Selections. stephanie@kelloggselections.com
Ohio: Stelvio Selections. craig@stelvioselections.com
Rhode Island: Vineyard Road. info@vineyardroad.net
Tennessee: Best Brands. mmasters@bestbrandsinc.com
Tennessee: Franklin Selections. damian@franklinselections.com
Texas: Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits. www.southernglazers.com
Vermont: 802 Distributors. www.802distributors.com
Washington DC: Kellogg Selections. stephanie@kelloggselections.com
Washington State: Walden Selections. www.waldenselections.com
Wisconsin: Select Sellars. office@selectsellars.com
For additional inquiries, please email me: jeff@jdselections.com